Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September catching up!

Hello everybody!
whats the story? Thats the way they ask how are you, around here!!

Site specific specimen of sweet messages! Voila the house and our new adress: White Castle, Tissasson, Kinsale, Co.Cork . Ireland.

phone #: country code 353


Ruins at Fort Charles and the window of opportunities!!

Summer just flew by: in August we finally went to collect the girls in Brittany: had a blast with family and friends.

The 5 Casset once again united!

I am the proud godmother of Mathurin!!

Here are the 2 trouble makers going down to the river to...

play with their dolls .

For the passed two weeks we are settling in our new home and in a new routine. The girls are in 5th and 6th class in Dunderrow school and have loads of homework !! Check out the picture of them on there bikes in their very convinient but not so classic uniform!

From Tissasson to Dunderrow: 4 km

While we walk around we discover so many beautiful paradise for fairies!

Our neigbhor is a milk farm, so last week end we had a visit and we got to see the whole process!

We have plenty of pictures for a school project!

Who is smelling who here?

Voila for our catching up. Thanks to all of you for your messages et mots qui font toujours plaisir!
Thanks for keeping in touch!
Courant d'Eire signing out,
love et bisous a tous.

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